Fox Key Poach

Organic Cotton Yarn – Pink (Main color), White, Black, Light pink – for the cheeks
Yarn Needle
1 x Key Chain Ring

Hook Size: 2.5mm

Ch: Chain
SS: Slip Stitch
SC: Single Crochet
INC: Increase stitch – 2 Single Crochet in same stitch
DEC/SC2tog: Decrease stitch – Single Crochet 2 together
SC3tog: Single Crochet 3 together
HDC: Half Double Crochet

This piece is work in 3 different parts – the main body (poach) together with the nose; the ears and tail. We will sew all the parts together once it

Main Body:

Pink part

R1: MC 5 SC, join with a SS to the 1st SC created in the beginning of the row. (5)
R2: Ch1, work 2 SC in each stitch till the end. Join with a SS. (10)
R3: Ch1, work (1 SC, INC) * 5. Join with a SS. (15)
R4: Ch1, work (2 SC, INC) * 5. Join with a SS. (20)
R5: Ch1, work (3 SC, INC) * 5. Join with a SS. (25)
R6: Ch1, work (4 SC, INC) * 5. Join with a SS. (30)
R7: Ch1, work (5 SC, INC) * 5. Join with a SS. (35)
R8: Ch1, work (6 SC, INC) * 5. Join with a SS. (40)

R9: Ch1, work 1 SC through till the end. Join with a SS. (40)

R10: Ch1, work (7 SC, INC) * 5. Join with a SS. (45)

R11: Ch1, work 1 SC through till the end. Join with a SS. (45)

R12: Ch1, work (8 SC, INC) * 5. Join with a SS. (50)

R13: Ch1, work 1 SC through till the end. Join with a SS. (50)

R14: Ch1, work (9 SC, INC) * 5. Join with a SS. (55)

R15 – R25: Ch1, work 1 SC through till the end. Join with a SS. (55) Cut off.

R26: Backward count, rejoin at the 20th stitch away from the SS in R25. Working on back loop (for this row), Ch1, SC in the same stitch. SC in the following 9 stitches. Ch1 and turn. (10)
R27: DEC, 6 SC, DEC. Ch1 and turn. (8)
R28: DEC, 6 SC. Ch1 and turn. (7)
R29: DEC, 5 SC. Ch1 and turn. (6)
R30: DEC, 4 SC. Ch1 and turn. (5)
R31: DEC, 3 SC. Ch1 and turn. (4)
R32: DEC, 2 SC. Ch1 and turn. (3)
R33: DEC, SC. Ch1 and turn. (2)
R34: 2 SC. Ch1 and turn, (2)
R35: 2 SC. Turn. (2)
R36: SS * 2. In the same stitch as the last SS – we will be working on the edge of the poach beginning from the tip of the nose bridge in a circular motion and ending at the tip of the nose bridge. 1 SC in the next 10 stitch.

From 11th stitch till 55th stitch, we will be working on the front loop. Continue with 1 SC for the last 10 stitches. Join with a SS to the first SS.  (65+2)

Leave approximately 10cm tail for sewing. Cut off.

White part

R1: With white yarn, rejoin at the SS point of R25 – back loop created above. Ch1, SC through all 55 stitches. Join with a SS. (55)

R2 – 11: Ch1, 1 SC in every stitch till the end. Join with a SS. (55)

R12: Ch1, 1 SC for the following 33 stitches. Crochet 5 HDC in the 34th stitch. 1 SC in the next 13 stitches, 5 HCD in the following stitch and 1 SC in the last 7 stitch. Join with a SS. (63)

Cut off.

Ears: x 2

R1: Use black yarn, MC 3 SC. Join with a SS to the first SC. (3)
R2: Ch1, 2 SC * 3. Join with a SS. (6)

Change to pink yarn.

R3: Ch1, work (1 SC, INC) * 3. Join with a SS. (9)

R4: Ch1, work 1 SC through all 9 stitches. Join with a SS. (9)

R5: Ch1, work (2 SC, INC) * 3. Join with a SS. (12)
R6: Ch1, work (3 SC, INC) * 3. Join with a SS. (15)
R7: Ch1, work (4 SC, INC) * 3. Join with a SS. (18)
R8: Ch1, work (5 SC, INC) * 3. Join with a SS. (21)

R9 – R10: Ch1, SC around all 21 stitches. Join with a SS. (21)

R11: Ch1, work (5 SC, DEC) * 3. Join with a SS. (18)
R12: Ch1, SC 18 around. Join with a SS. (18)
R13: Ch1, work (4 SC, DEC) * 3. Join with a SS. (15)
R14: Ch1, work (3 SC, DEC) * 3. Join with a SS. (12)
R15: Ch1. Flatten the piece and SC the front & back stitch together, 6 times. (6)

Leave a long tail for sewing later. Cut off.


R1: Black yarn, MC 6 SC. Join with a SS to the first SC. (6)
R2: Ch1, work (SC, INC, SC) * 2. Join with a SS. (8)
R3: Ch1, work SC through till the end.  Join with a SS. (8)

Leave a tail for sewing. Cut off.


R1: White yarn, MC 3 SC. Join with a SS to the first SC. (3)
R2: Ch1, work 2 SC * 3. Join with a SS. (6)
R3: Ch1, work (SC, INC) *3. Join with a SS. (9)
R4: Ch1, work (2 SC, INC) * 3. Join with a SS. (12)
R5: Ch1, work (3 SC, INC) * 3. Join with a SS. (15)
R6: Ch1, work (4 SC, INC) * 3. Join with a SS. (18)
R7: Ch1, SC all the way till the end. Join with a SS. (18)
R8: Work on front loop only. Ch1 SC, HDC, 3 DC, HDC, SC, SS, 2 SC, HDC, 3 DC, HDC, SC, SC, 2 HDC, 3 DC, HDC, SC, SC, SS. (26) Cut off.

R9: Rejoin Pink yarn at the SS point of R8, working on back loop.
Ch1, work (5 SC, INC) * 3. Join with a SS. (21)

R10: Ch1, work (6 SC, INC) * 3. Join with a SS. (24)

R11: Ch1, work (5 SC, INC) * 4. Join with a SS. (28)
R12: Ch1, work (6 SC, INC) * 4. Join with a SS. (32)

R13 – R18: Ch1, work 1 SC through to the end of R18. Join with a SS. (32)

R19: Ch1, work (6 SC, DEC) * 4. Join with a SS. (28)
R20: Ch1, work (5 SC, DEC) * 4. Join with a SS. (24)

R21: Ch1, work (6 SC, DEC) * 3. Join with a SS. (21)

R22: Ch1, work 1 SC till the end of the row. Join with a SS. (21)

R23: Ch1, work (5 SC, DEC) * 3. Join with a SS. (18)

R24: Ch1, work 1 SC till the end of the row. Join with a SS. (18)

R25: Ch1, work (4 SC, DEC) * 3. Join with a SS. (15)

R26: Ch1, work 1 SC till the end. Join with a SS. (15)

R27: Ch1, work (3 SC, DEC) * 3. Join with a SS. (12)

R28: Ch1, flatten, the piece and crochet the front and back stitch together. (6)

R29: Ch1, work SC2tog * 3. (3)

R30: Ch1, work SC3tog. (1) Do not cut off.

From here we will work on strap to attach to the key ring hidden inside the poach.

R31: Ch27, HDC into the 6th from hook. Continue to work HDC through the remaining 21 Ch stitch. Then join with a SS to the stitch of R30.

Cut off, leave a longer tail for sewing – to reinforce the stitches from the tip of the tail to the HDC strap part.


Sew on the nose at the tip of the nose bridge & edging to the main poach as shown in the picture. 

Sew the ears at R16 to R20 counting from tip of the main poach, with 9 stitches gap in between both ears.

Take a long strand of light pink yarn to sew the cheeks on in-between R11 & R12, leaving a stitch gap at the 5 HDC stitch.

Sew the eyes with a long strand of black yarn at 2 rows above the cheeks, 2 stitches away from the nose and 5 stitches width.

Insert the tail through the hole at the top of the main poach, then attached the Ring to the loop created from the chain stitches.


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